Sunday, March 12, 2017

Things I Catch Myself Thinking: 2nd Trimester Edition

I thought I'd bring in a little update on my current thought process for everyone while I prepare more posts on what I've been up to (gardening, yard work, baby prep, and school).

The second trimester has brought way more good days with it than the first one did, so I am thankful. However, these are the common thoughts of my days:

Can I take another bath today?


All I want when I am tired and cranky is to hop in a bubble bath with a little snack and a cold drink. Snack and drink since becoming pregnant are typically grapes and a Diet Dr. Pepper, but it's still heavenly. 

Recently on days when I don't have all of my classes (remember me talking about how smart I was for scheduling all of my classes so that I had constant 4 day weekends? Go ahead, say "we told you so"), I've been succumbing to a bath by 12 or 1 pm, and then desperately wanting to take another as 7 or 8 rolls around.  I don't want to waste more water than I already am, but geez is it tempting.

Where is the energy burst?

Articles talk about the heavenly 2nd trimester. The trimester where you go back to not really feeling pregnant.  I call BS, like, major BS. 

A) my morning sickness is never going to go away (melodramatic perhaps, but we're at week 20 and going strong), and B) I'm as tired if not more exhausted than I was during the first trimester outside of the whole puking all the time thing.  

I don't know if it's just the hormone fluctuations and these are just the awesome headaches that people warn you about OR if it is compounded by the Zofran I take so that I can eat and not look like a starved, pregnant zombie, but these headaches send me running for a pillow.

Why won't you move?!

This one really preyed on my impatience. It wasn't until Week 19 that I felt anything for sure, and then it was just what I described as a little bubble popping.

A lot of people on my Facebook pregnancy group seemed to be feeling strong consistent movement way before then, and it drove me crazy that I wasn't feeling anything.

Why won't you STOP moving!!

I said the movement started at 19 weeks, well it did and it never stopped.  Ever since she started making herself known each day brings stronger little kicks and nudges.  This week my husband was finally able to feel one of the kicks, and it was amazing! 

That being said, I'm so happy she's active and happy.  Sometimes she catches me off guard while I'm in class and I can't help jumping just a little bit. I imagine as the third trimester gets here and progresses this may get a little annoying, haha.