Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fake it til you make it: 8 weeks postpartum

Life is hard and overwhelming. That never changes, but it does wax and wane.  I've always thought that the hard times came in waves, rising, rising, rising, until your head isn't bobbing up anymore, and then gently falling back while you gasp and aren't really able to appreciate the tide falling again.

I'm 7 weeks into this last first-semester of school.  I'm grasping at straws every day. Wake up Monday morning and the prepared student straw is waiting by the coffeemaker, then you wake up and grab the work experience straw, wake up the next day and throw your hand around the bedside table to find the good-mom straw, next forget to pick up the friend straw that's sitting by your 4 bags that need to be carried to the car, and then when you sit down on the edge at the end of those days remember the married straw that you can't even seem to find anymore. 

Commence laying down and staring at the bassinet, suddenly unable to sleep after a day (days) of exhaustion because of every baby gurgle and knowing that she's going to stir any minute-- and the only thing worse than being this tired is the thought of waking up right after you finally fall asleep.

Spend the spare quiet moments you do get wondering what the point of pursuing any of it is, because you're clearly half-assing everything and not doing anything particularly well. The baby cries, the class starts, you pull in the driveway, and you quit wondering because you have to get back to work.

The constant hamster wheel is what keeps you from quitting. You don't have the time to quit.  You don't have the capacity, energy, or spare time to deal with quitting any of it. 

You keep catching glimpses of yourself reflected in a rearview mirror, the front screen door, or the spoon you stir your coffee with, and you laugh and repeat your mantra again.  It's not inspiring or empowering. 

Fake it until you make it.