Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Saying Goodbye to Law School

Change in the Air 

A picture from the last day of finals as I approached the school-- very sneaky light pole.

Well, friends, I'm not sure how I managed, but I finished law school last month. I know, it is shocking. Anyone who has read for a while knows that my law school career was encumbered by my husband and I both attending, him taking a leave of absence to complete an MBA, a pregnancy where I experienced hyperemesis gravidarum until 8 months, and then a colicy baby for the first 7 months of her life.

It's been "lit" -- as the kids these days would say.

Caps and Gowns at home, because you know no one wants to take a picture of you without themselves in it at the ceremony.

No less, I walked across the stage on May 12th as a Juris Doctor, and managed to get my best semester of grades in law school (ha ha ha).

Since my last wee update a lot has happened-- hence not having time to do much updating.  I am truly hoping to change that (like every other occasional blogger says in essentially every post), but mainly due to the fact that I actually have substance to post rather than "spent another week studying, going to class, working at my externship placement, juggling a baby, and seeing my husband two days a week."

A few things that have happened since I last checked in:

  • I ran my second half-marathon on April 28th
  • Took a crash-course in not allowing anyone to emotionally abuse and manipulate our family-- even if it meant losing childcare
  • Stopped seeing my therapist in the midst of this insanity, because I was worried about losing access through the university when I finished school
  • Started adopting a plant-based diet
  • Planned our first vacation in 3 years
  • Interviewed for a job that was textbook perfect and didn't get it
  • Interviewed for a job that I never saw myself in, got it, and sort of fell in love with the field
  • Started studying for the KY Bar Exam

It's been a wild ride the past few months.  I don't want to discount any of the craziness that has happened because it has been stressful and so very difficult, but also I want to take the time to recognize that there is value to recognizing your achievements.

Sometimes writing down a short timeline of what you have survived and managed to accomplish is so, so rewarding in grounding you and appreciating your own abilities.  I would highly recommend it to anyone struggling to find motivation because life gets the best of you at times.

For now I am going to go enjoy my last few hours of the day with my favorite wild-child and see what trouble we can get into. I.e. water our plants and take a bath.