Friday, March 4, 2016

March Showers

February always seems to fly by in my mind.  My mom, dad, brother, and I all have birthdays within 11 days of each other starting on February 21, so by the time we finish those out it seems that March is already well on its way!

I struggled the last month to do much with my "weight loss" goals.  That being said, I become a little obsessive with watching the scale when I'm trying to make it move.  It's definitely something I've worked on for a while, but I still fall victim to it.

Last year I started this journey adventure (I really hate calling it a journey, because it seems so ~inspirational.) towards losing the almost 40 pounds I'd gained over the span of about a year and a half.  It was difficult to face down, at first, and honestly it never got "easy."

What did get easier was eating well, exercising, and owning my missteps.

Long story short, I've decided to step away from the scale this month.  If you follow me on Instagram you already know this, but I decided earlier this week to deem March my month to step away from the scale to focus on wellness.

So far I'm feeling a lot better without the scale awaiting me every morning and afternoon... and night. (Yeah, guys, I'm serious. I took it way too far.)

[Door Reflection pictures post run, featuring my fabulous hot pink running fanny pack >.< ] 

Today was nice. Despite having an interview this morning and finishing up my final writing assignment for this semester, I was able to come home and get in a quick run. It was frigid and my knee still hurts from whatever I did to it, but it was wonderful to get sweaty.

After printing over 300 pages (between mine and the husband's damned writing assignments) I got down to assembling our squat rack. I. Am. So. Excited.  Really, there aren't words for how stoked I am to put this thing to use. We have a new bench to go with it, and it will make strength training so much more simple.

[Our new squat rack, mid assembly!]

It's been quite the busy week, but lots is going on here! This weekend will most likely be a lot of meal prepping and cleaning.  If there are particular things you'd like to hear about please let me know! I'm excited to do what I can on here!

x Devin


My name is Devin (obviously), and I have been hanging around the Instagram fitness community for quite a while!

I realized a while ago that I do best with accountability, and as I've made progress in my own up and down journey lots of people have asked what I do.

I'm not a bodybuilder.  I'm not a competitor.  I'm not a trainer. I'm not perfect or #goals.

However, I do live a fairly low-key life as a graduate student with my husband and two dogs, and I like to share how I manage healthy living and fun times... hint: they're aren't exclusive from each other!

I plan on sharing some meal-prepping, fitness progress, some general thoughts on changing habits that are hard to break, and  my ventures into half-marathon training!

I'm really looking forward to blogging, because goodness knows that Instagram throws shade at my captions for being too long!