Friday, March 4, 2016


My name is Devin (obviously), and I have been hanging around the Instagram fitness community for quite a while!

I realized a while ago that I do best with accountability, and as I've made progress in my own up and down journey lots of people have asked what I do.

I'm not a bodybuilder.  I'm not a competitor.  I'm not a trainer. I'm not perfect or #goals.

However, I do live a fairly low-key life as a graduate student with my husband and two dogs, and I like to share how I manage healthy living and fun times... hint: they're aren't exclusive from each other!

I plan on sharing some meal-prepping, fitness progress, some general thoughts on changing habits that are hard to break, and  my ventures into half-marathon training!

I'm really looking forward to blogging, because goodness knows that Instagram throws shade at my captions for being too long!

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