Monday, November 7, 2016

Getting Back Up-- & Why It's Okay to Get Sidetracked

Fitting life in is hard

I started running consistently for around 2 weeks before I came down with a sinus infection that had the intentions of taking me out.

That was almost a month ago, and I'm still struggling to get back at it-- deviated septum be damned.

When running was happening before Sinus-zilla came to town

I'd worked back up to running 5 miles at a time, albeit it at a really slow pace (I'm talking 11 minute miles, yall). It felt SO good to be logging distance again and the calories that come off with it.  That paired with limiting our alcohol intake in the house was making maintaining weight and general well-being so easy. We really like our cocktails, nothing takes an edge off of a long day of Estate Planning reading quite like a bourbon and coke, but you have no idea how much bloat and general ickiness consistent drinking causes.

All of that being said, we were also loaded down with multiple major assignments for the semester and extra social things. From a writing seminar draft, estate planning problems, and on-call days in multiple classes, to   our small group meetings, coming up with an idea for a non-profit community group, and family shenanigans. I know, I know-- no excuses, you have to be the master of your own time, blah blah blah. Guess what, though? Real life happens, and as much as I like positive mantras sometimes the grind really gets the best of you. 

So, we've been doing better overall. We've been making small strides towards better choices. I'm talking about driving past McDonald's and moving our carcasses whenever possible.
Hubs and I are trying to correct and AT LEAST get in Saturday hikes/walks.  

I guess my point is this:

Sometimes, you need the break.  Sometimes worrying over the things you aren't managing to do only makes you worse for wear.

What matters is that EVERY time you get refocused, re-energized, and make yourself return to course. That's my goal this week: getting back on course.

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