Monday, November 14, 2016

5 Self-Care Things for People Who Don't Like Leaving the House

It's That Time Again

It's quickly approaching that time of the semester where you do not have the luxury of just taking an "off" day for mental health and self-care.  Who am I kidding, we're already at that point of the semester-- and I am just in denial.

Spending day-in, day-out with other law students is grating on the nerves and energy, especially when finals are dauntingly close.  I assume from talking to my friends in other graduate and professional programs that it's a common sentiment.  It's a feeling akin to stir-crazy, but it's not because you haven't left the house. It's because every second of your time seems to have a task assigned to it, and if you don't keep up your work you really will suffer from it.

I had a good ol' heart to heart vent session with a friend via text today, and she told me something I didn't think I had time to hear: paint your nails.

I know this may seem kind of silly, but this is my best friend who has suffered through living with me in college and she knows the types of things that help me find my zen when stressed. One of those things is hiding away in the bathroom and painting my nails.  There's something therapeutic about filing, shaping, painting, and creating a tidy and pleasant thing in the midst of stress. For me there's an added obstacle of hating leaving my house (introverts represent!), so I like things I can do from home.  It gives me the control that I so desperately need.

I've spent my spare minutes throughout today thinking up a list of  small "self-care" things.  They're things that I always go to when I need a break from my responsibilities to re-gather my thoughts and tackle whatever has to be done.

1) Take a Hot Bath

This is my go-to if I need a break from work/studying/life.  That's my usual setup, above. I get a giant bottle of ice water, a hot mug of tea, and pour about 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar in with a hot bath.
I sit in the tub, usually disconnected from technology, and let myself steep like a freaking tea bag. Something about sweating from the heat and washing off the day feels so detoxifying-- even if you have to pick up work after.

Throw in your favorite bubble bath or essential oil and enjoy.

2) Go Outside & Soak Up Some Sun

Our favorite overlook point at a local park

This one can technically mean leaving your house, but not the neighborhood. 

My catharsis of choice is running, but so much can effect my ability to do that. However, if the sun is shining it always makes me feel better to go out-- even if it's just sitting on my porch-- and breathe the outside air. 

If the weather is decent and you feel up to it, I definitely endorse a little walk. Even a 1/2 mile will lift your spirits and open up your creative paths. 

Disconnect from your screens!!!!

3) Find a DIY Face or Hair Mask on Pinterest! 

I can't advocate this one enough! It goes right along with doing my nails.  Also, it probably requires the least amount of time. Find your "recipe"----> Apply----> Continue Work----> Wash Off

A few of my favorite face masks are:
-Honey Mask (2 tbsp Honey, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp nutmeg) 
-Egg White + 1 tsp Lemon Juice
-Coconut Oil (steam face with hot wash cloth to take off)

As for Hair Masks, any store bought brand works, but I really like Hot Oil treatments! Also, my easy go-to is slathering on coconut oil, wrapping my head in a bath towel, and then washing it out in a hot shower. 

4) Look up a Quick Yoga Routine 

I don't have a ton of patience, but Youtube has opened my eyes to yoga videos that are free and for just about any skill level you need

Yoga With Adriene is my absolute favorite. Adriene is super chill, positive, and doesn't make you feel bad for anything you aren't able to do! 

5) Make Your Favorite Meal

Headed off some stress this morning with eggs in onion rings and some avocado with Greek Seasoning. 

Cooking can solve almost anything, or maybe it's the eating part of it. I love baking, but I also love making a meal I've been craving.  The added benefit to me is feeling like I've accomplished something. 

I've been craving big, full salads all week, so I went out and got everything I needed to make a big Chef Salad. Another favorite of mine is to make a big baked Spaghetti dish. 

When All Else Fails

Sometimes you don't have a ton of time. Sometimes you just need to keep working. Sometimes you just need to give in and have the glass of wine.... or combine it with any of the above. 

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