Thursday, December 22, 2016

When it's a little more than Morning Sickness

Today I'm celebrating 9 weeks and also recovering from a stint in the hospital on Tuesday. 

The "morning" sickness that fills my days

Morning Sickness is something you expect going into pregnancy. There are funny TV bits about a lady having to run away randomly in order to not lose her breakfast, comical bits about how smells can turn your stomach, I digress.

Most women (around 70%) do end up feeling occasional nausea in the first trimester, and a fraction of those women also experience vomiting.

If you're a pop culture fan and watched the news a few years ago, you probably heard about Kate Middleton-- who doesn't love her-- experiencing this sickness on a pretty severe level.

While I've always wondered what it would be like to practically be a princess, I never wanted to understand what it was like to have hyperemesis gravidarum.

Long story short: it sucks.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Announcing Baby: When?

When we confirmed the weekend before Thanksgiving that there was indeed a baby on the way, the first thing W and I wanted to do was tell our loved ones.

We managed to hold off until that Monday to tell one of our best friends (a trial run involving the Star Wars intro with our announcement in it). Then we were able to put together cute announcements for my mom and his parents, which we gave to them on Thanksgiving.  Everyone was thrilled, and it made the day so much more special.  This will also be the first grandchild on both sides, so the excitement hasn't stopped.

New Blog Title Because.....

You may notice the title of the blog has changed from "Running From Law School." Sorry about any confusion it caused, but I've thought long and hard over the last two months, and it felt right considering some big changes going on in our home.
