Thursday, December 15, 2016

Announcing Baby: When?

When we confirmed the weekend before Thanksgiving that there was indeed a baby on the way, the first thing W and I wanted to do was tell our loved ones.

We managed to hold off until that Monday to tell one of our best friends (a trial run involving the Star Wars intro with our announcement in it). Then we were able to put together cute announcements for my mom and his parents, which we gave to them on Thanksgiving.  Everyone was thrilled, and it made the day so much more special.  This will also be the first grandchild on both sides, so the excitement hasn't stopped.

Announcements and when and how to make them can be a difficult decision.  

I know for many people announcing early is scary because of the possibility that something will go wrong. I felt that, but I also knew that the people we announced to that early are those I would trust if something went wrong anyway.

It's not the same for everyone.

Another factor in our decision to announce publicly at 8 weeks was my morning sickness.

I've been pretty much house-bound since 6 weeks with all-day nausea and not being able to keep much down.  Talk about having to avoid after finals celebrations.

We were also lucky enough to have our first prenatal appointment right before announcing, and we got to hear the baby's heart beat and get confirmation that everything looked right on track.

6, 8, 10, 20 Weeks... 

For those of us experiencing it for the first time I don't think there's any way to not be terrified.  Excited, but terrified.  However, it is such a joyous occasion that I don't think you should have to hide it from the world, especially if you're facing some of the first trimester struggles like morning sickness.

That being said, I've been shocked by some of the comments I've received from people.  Backhanded comments about us not waiting until after the first trimester have been such an unwanted negative force in this happy time.

If you announce "early" you don't owe an explanation of your reasoning to anyone.

Societal Pressure on Personal Choices

No one should have a say in telling a woman she should be ashamed of her body and choices, much less when she's growing a human being.

The societal pressure on women declaring how they should treat their pregnancies, who should know, and what they should or shouldn't be wearing or doing for how long is ridiculous.

Hiding a potentially difficult, new, and SCARY experience as big as having a baby for 3 months is not a standard someone should be held to... and if a woman does choose to wait? That is HER choice, not the world's to judge.

What are your thoughts on announcing? Favorite types of announcements?

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