Thursday, December 15, 2016

New Blog Title Because.....

You may notice the title of the blog has changed from "Running From Law School." Sorry about any confusion it caused, but I've thought long and hard over the last two months, and it felt right considering some big changes going on in our home.


We got the joyous news that a baby will be joining our pack in July of next year!!!

When I say joyous, I mean truly over-the-moon ecstasy. We'd made the decision that life was never going to be the "perfect moment" for having a baby, especially in the next few years.  That paired with the fact that we wanted to add to our little family before we get too much older sealed the deal.

I know, it's crazy to think that somehow BOTH of us being halfway through law school presented a great time, but for us it made sense.  This semester was far easier than our first year, and it seems that the class work is much more manageable.

My point: it's never a perfect time to add chaos into your life. Some circumstances work better for some people than others. We happen to have super supportive parents nearby, and look forward to welcoming our ugly human puppy (as the dogs have been calling it) next summer.


From here out this blog will probably be focused less on working out-- I am not stopping, but pretty awful nausea has not been conducive to it-- and focus more on recipes, our home, prepping for baby, and juggling law school while doing it all.

I hope it's helpful, as I know from my own googling that there aren't many professional school moms out there.  Here's to banding together!

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