Thursday, January 26, 2017

Surviving the First Trimester

I keep singing the song "Looks Like We Made It" to myself. Why? Because we made it to the Second Trimester!!!

First thing on the agenda? W and I took a day off of classes because 1) this week has kicked our butts 2) I was sick all day yesterday (finally filled that Zofran prescription) and 3) sometimes you just have to take a second to breathe.

There are lots of things up in the air for us right now-- we've made some big decisions and are holding our breath to see what the outcomes are, I'll fill you in as soon as we know anything! So, we took an afternoon to see a matinee and work on our long to-do lists.

In celebration of the second trimester and feeling like a new woman (thanks, Zofran!) I put together this celebratory must-have list for those of you hopping through  surviving the first trimester!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Balancing Classes & Life: Scheduling Magic

Howdy, everyone! It's been a stressful start to the school year, between professors forgetting to send out assignments and the ever-present sickness I'm dealing with.  Then again, when is a semester not stressful? Point taken.

My favorite means of controlling how I'm going to deal with classes is through scheduling. Not just any scheduling, but smart scheduling. The first year of law school you don't get a choice in what classes you take, or when you take them.  The second year is vastly better.  Although you have requirements, you can wiggle things around to fit your own needs.

5 Pregnancy Don'ts That Saved My Sanity

Every Pregnancy is obviously  super unique to every woman.  I know some ladies that started off healthy and carried through an entire pregnancy without touching anything they wouldn't have otherwise.  I know others who spent 5-7 days in the gym a week pre-pregnancy who either because of how they felt or on Dr's orders spent most of their pregnancy on the couch or bed rest.

As everyone knows, all-day morning sickness has been keeping me on my toes since December-- starting right after finals, thankfully.  It is hard enough to be nauseous and throwing up for days at a time without thinking about the fact that you're growing a tiny life force inside you.

While the sickness definitely eased off for the most part in the last week or so, here is a list of 5 things that are common culprits on pregnancy "don't" lists that really kept me sane.

I'm not advocating for going out and breaking all the rules, but remember that sometimes your well-being is negatively affected by going crazy trying to follow every rule and suggestion!!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Year's Update: Mostly Food & What I'm Craving

Happy New Year, everyone!!! I hope you've been making the most of it so far.  I'm starting to see the light at the other end of morning sickness (fingers crossed), and wanted to give you a little update of what I've been doing!