Wednesday, January 18, 2017

5 Pregnancy Don'ts That Saved My Sanity

Every Pregnancy is obviously  super unique to every woman.  I know some ladies that started off healthy and carried through an entire pregnancy without touching anything they wouldn't have otherwise.  I know others who spent 5-7 days in the gym a week pre-pregnancy who either because of how they felt or on Dr's orders spent most of their pregnancy on the couch or bed rest.

As everyone knows, all-day morning sickness has been keeping me on my toes since December-- starting right after finals, thankfully.  It is hard enough to be nauseous and throwing up for days at a time without thinking about the fact that you're growing a tiny life force inside you.

While the sickness definitely eased off for the most part in the last week or so, here is a list of 5 things that are common culprits on pregnancy "don't" lists that really kept me sane.

I'm not advocating for going out and breaking all the rules, but remember that sometimes your well-being is negatively affected by going crazy trying to follow every rule and suggestion!!

1. Using Nail Polish

I get it, you don't really want to introduce more chemicals to your body than necessary..... but I don't paint my nails more than once a week. This was a little act of self-care that made me feel better about myself physically and was kind of therapeutic.

2. Taking Prenatal Vitamins Everyday/Hitting all Nutrition Goals

Ha. Ha. Ha.  Remember that thing with not being able to keep down food? Yeah, this is pretty self-explanatory. I know lots of women who have issues digesting prenatal vitamins without even considering morning sickness.  Add them onto a rolling stomach? Nah, man.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely taking my prenatal and eating all sorts of fresh produce and lean protein when I can stomach it.  However,  my doctor, and the ER doctors for that matter, emphasized the need to not beat yourself up over bad days. Your main goal is surviving and growing that little human.

3. Exercise

Fact: what used to be easy is like... 10x harder when you're pregnant--even in the first trimester.  I ran a half marathon last May.  I worked out usually 5 days a week pre-pregnancy.  In a good week I hit 2 workouts and have to take breaks during low impact cardio. (Thank you, JESUS, for prenatal youtube workouts.)

This is one of the things I miss, but honestly I don't feel like it even on good days most of the time.  Instead I've been sneaking in short yoga sessions at night (I'm talking 5-10 minutes), and soaking up the walk to and from the law school (10 minutes each way).

Activity is important, but you're not going to be building mass during pregnancy or shaving time off your 2-mile.

Chill. Out.

Body Fit By Amy has my FAVORITE videos for prenatal workouts. They aren't impossible, but are challenging enough to get your heart rate up!!!

4. Hot Baths

I know, don't get your body temperature over a certain point, blah blah blah.  I GET IT: you don't want a roasted baby.  However, when I saw women in the private FB group I'm part of for people due around the same time talking about whether or not they could use their seat heaters in the car, I felt my eyes roll all the way into the back of my head.

Hot baths are my getaway. I need my bubble baths. Hell, I even checked my temp one night during said bath. It was fine. Bubble up, y'all.

5. Taking Nausea Rx's 

Don't end up in the hospital. This is my "the hospital isn't fun" face. 

I know this is a point of contention for many because of the lack of research and potential defects that prescription meds can cause.  However, there is NO way I'd be able to go to school or probably have a chance at a healthy pregnancy without taking my medications.  While I do limit it to as-needed, I also use over the counter options and every remedy imaginable.

Again, I've yet to meet a Dr. who hasn't suggested taking the meds when needed.

Take Away

My point is this: there are exhaustive lists of things not to do during pregnancy. Things that will lead you to believe that anything other than bed rest in rotation with moderate exercise will cause a failed pregnancy.

Be as healthy as you can. Love yourself. Take care of yourself.

But for goodness's sake, don't put yourself through the ringer or deprive yourself of the little things. You're an awesome goddess of a woman and deserve to feel it!


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