Thursday, January 26, 2017

Surviving the First Trimester

I keep singing the song "Looks Like We Made It" to myself. Why? Because we made it to the Second Trimester!!!

First thing on the agenda? W and I took a day off of classes because 1) this week has kicked our butts 2) I was sick all day yesterday (finally filled that Zofran prescription) and 3) sometimes you just have to take a second to breathe.

There are lots of things up in the air for us right now-- we've made some big decisions and are holding our breath to see what the outcomes are, I'll fill you in as soon as we know anything! So, we took an afternoon to see a matinee and work on our long to-do lists.

In celebration of the second trimester and feeling like a new woman (thanks, Zofran!) I put together this celebratory must-have list for those of you hopping through  surviving the first trimester!

1. Essential Oils and Bubble baths

Goodnite was my FAVORITE essential oil to just add a few drops of to my baths! I haven't gone many nights without taking a nice hot (not too hot, though) bubble bath, and oils are just such a nice way to tailor it to how you're feeling! 

This was had a nice orange scent to it and is geared towards helping you wind down at night. That's definitely something I need any help I can get with! 

Best part? It's SUPER cheap!! W picked it up for me one evening when I was feeling particularly nasty at Wal-Mart!   You can click through there to find it for just $5!

2. Sprite

I usually hate clear soft drinks.  Actually, I generally stay away from all sodas, but since baby has been on board I've traded in my alcohol for a soda here and there-- especially when everyone else is drinking socially. 

Anyway, Sprite has become my favorite. On mornings/days when my stomach is feeling icky or unsettled I sip on one and it usually helps settle it.  When I try sipping water on an empty stomach it ends up badly and I end up by the toilet within 5 minutes.  

I don't know what sort of witch magic it is, but it helped me way more than ginger.  It might be because early on I tried ginger capsules for nausea and after a particularly bad moment I never want to taste ginger ever again. 

3. Soft Peppermints or Other Candy

File this under assorted snacks.

My mom loves going to Sam's Club (anyone else's?). She always ends up bringing me a bunch of things after she goes because she's thoughtful and likes surprising me with things she knows I won't buy otherwise.  Candy generally falls in that category, haha. 

So, when my mom brought over a giant container of these soft peppermints that I always loved I had a lightbulb moment and put a bunch in a sandwich bag.  I popped that sucker in the front of my backpack and have a stash of peppermints throughout the day.  This particularly helps keeping your stomach from getting too empty and also helps fend off crazier cravings that might lead to not so good choices for you or your wallet. 

4. Netflix & Nap

Most people feel like living garbage during the first trimester for some amount of time. I am pretty sure this happens whether you have morning sickness or not.  I'm telling you, pregnancy is simply glamorous. 

Get Netflix turned on, start your own profile so hubby or whoever you share with doesn't start raising eyebrows, and start binging whatever makes you happy and serves as good napping background noise. 

Now, there really is an art to this.  I realized early on that I didn't want to watch something I was really  interested in and hadn't seen before because I'd probably fall asleep.  Rewinding is a pain and waste of time.  So, find a show that's easy to tune out or passively funny. My suggestion is "Baby Daddy." It's just bad enough to not care about what you miss, but topical enough to where you get some laughs. 

5. Sea-Bands

Guys, I know these are awful and ugly, and I really can't tell you whether they actually work or not.  However, I got them early on and they seemed to ease things off with my nausea.  Don't get me wrong, bad days are still bad.  BUT I have also noticed that on days when I take them off to take one of those wonderful bubble baths or to take a picture (they are really ugly) and forget to put them back on I usually have a particularly nasty day ahead.  

Check them out on Amazon for just $7. It's totally worth giving it a shot, in my opinion.  I've also seen lots of awesome reviews on them from people with somewhat mild morning sickness. 

6. Ear plugs

This one is snarky, but once you start telling people the great news you'll wish it was within social norms to pop a pair of ear plugs in as they impart wisdom on you of the only ways to raise your child.  

Oh, and all of the inappropriate questions that follow will make you want these too. Something about being pregnant seems to make people think that it's okay to ask you things like "was it planned" and "how long did it take?" if you answer yes to the first question.

Prepare yourself.  Of course the ear plugs may be rude, so just get used to nodding, smiling, and thinking of the wonderful cocktails you'll be drinking in 9 months.

I hope you at least get a laugh out of this post, but I can tell you from my one day so far that there is a light at the end of the first trimester tunnel.  Just keep chugging along.


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