Saturday, January 7, 2017

New Year's Update: Mostly Food & What I'm Craving

Happy New Year, everyone!!! I hope you've been making the most of it so far.  I'm starting to see the light at the other end of morning sickness (fingers crossed), and wanted to give you a little update of what I've been doing!

Okay, so this picture may be misleading.  It's clocking in at around 9 degrees (Fahrenheit) here in KY today, but I'm dying to get outside and grill some chicken.  Our in laws gave us this little electric grill that they had at their apartment while their new house was being built, and it is SO easy to use.

My hubby loves to use our giant charcoal grill (and he is the master of it, y'all), but your girl has no time for that. I may brave the cold later and grill some chicken breast that's been in our freezer for a while!

Back on the healthy track. What kind of crazy sale was this?!

Now that I'm feeling much better and able to eat little meals through the day I've been craving yummy whole foods.  It looks like I'm probably going to end up back on the paleo bandwagon just because of what my body is wanting to eat.  The only exception to that is sour gummy candy.  Any time we go in the store I've been grabbing a little treat, haha! 

Anyway, I need some suggestions on how to use this quest protein powder I got for FIFTEEN dollars!! It's huge. I usually don't do straight protein shakes, so I'm all about trying creative recipes!

Like I said, I've REALLY been wanting to grill some yummy veggies and fruits.  I made these before it finally got cold and they were scrumptious. 

This is our favorite concoction to whip up on a day in when we have lots to do or just want to hide out from the world.  We call it "taco pie", and who am I kidding, we pretty much want it anytime.  

The best part? It's not awful for you like something you'd get at the mexican restaurant.  I make it with ground turkey, pico de gallo, and homemade guac! Maybe I'll do a recipe walkthrough as a later post if anyone is interested.  It is seriously SO good, and so EASY.  Plus, you can grab a few tortilla chips to help you dig in. 

If you think this looks like the stove top preparing for homemade biscuits, gravy, and bacon, you aren't wrong.  My family is from eastern KY, and part of the beauty in that is knowing how to make all of the awful and delicious breakfast delicacies from scratch.  One night last week I made this as breakfast for dinner.  It got an A+.

As I've been feeling better....

I've really gotten back into fruit smoothies.  The issue for a few weeks was getting enough calories and nutrients to where I wasn't constantly balancing starving with the nausea that comes with all-day-morning-sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum SUCKS, and I wrote about it a few weeks ago after going to the hospital).

My go to recipe has been around 1/2 cup frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries, blackberries), 1/2-1 cup of plain low fat greek yogurt, and 1 cup water; blend it all up, and ta-da! I don't like super sugary drinks, and this hit the spot with a ton of protein in the greek yogurt and just enough tangy-ness.  It also helped with hydration, because drinking plain water murdered my stomach.  It was an instant ticket to the bathroom.

Last but not least in this enormous food update (sorry y'all, I've been hungry and craving everything lately), I made chicken thighs and roasted potatoes in the cast iron skillet handed down from one of my grandmothers.

Holy. Cow.  It was amazing.  Disclaimer: I really don't usually like dark meat.  HOWEVER, this was awesome.  First,  because the thighs were on a super sale at the store and we picked up a few pounds for something like $1.50.  Second, I had them frozen, so I only had to thaw out three of them to make this.  Third, it was SO easy.  I literally browned the skin on the stove top in the pan, threw the potatoes in to do the same, then just moved the entire skillet into the oven for 30 mins.  It was ready to eat, and (after weeks of eating grilled cheese and ramen as I nibbled saltines) my husband was in heaven.

I reheated the leftover potatoes for dinner last night, and I was one happy lady.

Now that I've shown you ALL of the food

We can get back to a little less in the future-- unless you guys like food as much as I do, in which case please tell me and I'll do recipes! 

I'm working on a year in review post for 2016 and resolutions for this year as well as an update on cleaning out the house for baby prep. 


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